This weekend, November 23rd -25th. When you purchase The Limited Edition CAMO GRID, Trigger Point Performance will donate $5 to the Wounded Warrior Project.
There is a banner link on the right side of my blog. Or go to
The GRID by Trigger Point Performance Therapy is one of my favorite products of all time!
It can be used as a self massaging/self myofascial release as well as a tool for core training (an example).
*Quick medical disclaimer- This product may not be appropriate for those with poor circulation due to conditions such as diabetes. Also it may not be appropriate for those suffering from severe varicose veins, high blood pressure or other conditions that affect normal breathing. Consult with your doctor and/or other medical professionals before using this product. Also, pregnant women should consult with their doctors before using this product.
I use it for myself, although lately not as much as I should. That's gonna change. I sometimes bring in the two rollers that I own for my dance students to roll on or use as a tool for core exercises. It is highly portable. I almost always take it on vacations. The hollow center is great for stuffing your socks into.
My husband has always been somewhat skeptical of the GRID's virtues. So you can imagine how delighted I was when Manning (Peyton, I believe) popped up on the T.V. with a bunch of his teammates rolling out their glutes and piriformis during a football show.
Back in October of this year I attended a SMRT-CORE workshop that focused on the applications of the GRID as a tool for;
pre-workout prepping of the body
integrating the core and strengthening specific muscle groups
a technique know as Total Body Tension that uses body tension to isometrically fire up the muscles of the core and upper body, requiring functional stabilization during specific movements. I like to refer to this as gaining body intelligence.
self massage for relaxation, rejuvenation and restoration of the body. Flush the gunk from your muscle tissues.
In the coming year I plan to post more about this glorious product and its applications.
I'll be dropping hints galore about what a great gift this would be for say, a teenage ballet/contemporary student/dancer! My young ladies might not be too excited about the CAMO design, but the Orange/Black or Black/Green options will do just fine. And many have witnessed me using my GRID to prep for Zumba as well as recovering afterwards.
So, if you plan on doing some online shopping to fill your Christmas list needs, AND you want to give a gift that will give back for years to come, consider getting a GRID for a loved one. And don't forget yourself! Although the really nice thing is that if you buy one for a household member they will probably be so delighted that they will gladly share. You might just want your own too!
Enjoy the dance that is life!
****Disclosure: If you purchase any of the products through the links on the right side of my page, I receive a small percentage from the respected affiliate programs****
I wonder if this would be good for my mom who has an injured piriformis? I'll tell her about it. Thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteHi Melanie! As long as it is safe for your mom to roll on a roller (no severe circulation problems or excessively high blood pressure) then using the GRID to roll out the piriformis would be good.
DeleteShe need not stop at just the piriformis though. If the piriformis is suffering, then surrounding muscle groups are too. The GRID is great for all those areas as well.
Definitely a post I should do soon; Tips on rolling out the piriformis.
Stretching is also important.